Watch Ibn el-Qunsul online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Ibn el-Qunsul movie online for free. The cinema Ibn el-Qunsul has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the blog. The role of the story is about the famous counterfeiter known as Consul, for his ability to forge high-passports and visas and reflects the role Khaled Saleh. But it is in the grip of the police and the prison is trying to fake a young man (embodied by Ahmed El Sakka) to cheat him using a girl "Ghada Adel" called the night she's a girl, so I called the consul because he is trying to convince the consul that his son.
Year: 2010
Genre : Comedy, Thriller, Drama, Family
Runtime: 119 minutes
Release Date: 2010-11-12
Actors : Ghada Adel, Ahmed El Sakka, Khaled Saleh, Magdy Kamel, Khaled Sarhan