^**^ Maiden Work 1997 'F.u.l.l'[[OnLine]'2019']]'

Watch Maiden Work online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Maiden Work movie online for free. The cinema Maiden Work has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the blog. Another curve ball from the Beijing 'underground', Guangli Wang's debut feature first tells a story and then wittily deconstructs it. Painter Jinian, undergoing eye surgery for wounds received in a bar fight, remembers or imagines his relationships with student journalist Xue and her lesbian lover Yu. On recovering, he sets about trying to write and direct a film about the three of them. His meetings with potential producers, actors and technicians eventually get the project moving, but not quite as he foresaw it.

Year: 1997
Genre :
Runtime: 66 minutes
Release Date: 1997-01-01
Actors :

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